MTSA News & Events
MTSA posts news and events here that affect MTSA members and the transportation industry. If you would like to contribute a news story or inform us of an event that may be of interest to our members, please contact us.
MTSA Silent Auction
Thanks to the generosity of our MTSA Members, Associates and Guests of our 2024 Annual Meeting, we were able to raise $1760.00 from our Silent Auction.
HopeKids was our charity partner this year. Learn more at:
HopeKids Vision:
To restore hope and transform the lives of children with life-threatening medical conditions, their families and the communities in which we serve.
HopeKids Mission:
To provide ongoing events, activities and a powerful, unique support community for families who have a child with cancer or some other life threatening medical condition. They surround these remarkable children and their families with the message that hope is a powerful medicine.
